絵画作品 by 河 瀨 曻 (Picture works by Noboru Kawase)2008-2012

「ポスト・モダン」の今日、あえて、古めかしい写実的な絵画の方法や古典的な人形制作の手法を使った。それは、具体的で明瞭な表現によって、抽象化だけではとらえきれない社会や人間の内実に迫りたいからだ。そして、そこに映り込む社会の暗さと孤独で疲弊する人間の現実を通して、ほのかではあるが、根強い希望の光を秘めた世界の表現を試みた。  2012.5.

The concept of my artwork : At present time of “Postmodern”, the scene of every direction forward seems vague and unstable. Are there really hopes we can find to live our own lives? Where do we want to head for? Led by these uncertain feelings I build up Bildungsroman-like scene in which young boys and girls appeared. Through drawing the mental images that such characters would have, I tried to inquire a possible way to go for us in the postmodern world.
I dare adopt old realistic painting style, and also for solid works traditional doll making material. That is because I wanted to grasp more precisely the reality of this society and human existence. If you adopt only an abstract approach, that would would have been rather difficult to do so. I tried to represent the darkness of the society and living people, and through such expression, I wanted to reveal a light of hope that may be faint, but may be a deep-rooted one.     2012.5.